It is very important to check whether the website that you choose is secure and that the business is legitimate and run by professional trustworthy people. Below are listed the main facts you should check before you buy online without online payment.
- site is secure
How to know whether the site is secure?
Usually if a site is secure, you will find a site secure by seal. OURBIX shows that it is secure by GeoTrust, a leading service which is trusted by lots of customers online. Do not take our word for it. Search and find out yourself through the internet.
- site has privacy policy and item return documentation
Privacy Policy or other regulations which the website abides by lets you know how much or information is secure, letting you know that it is safe to shop from that website. OURBIX has all the neccessary documentations visible on site homepage for everyone to see. With the added 128bit encryption security, our customers will be getting top notch protection and trust that their information is safe with us.
- Shows valid location address and contact details and how to contact on website
OURBIX shows its' complete address on its' website, how to contact through online form, through facebook, twitter and many other social networks. Even direct international contact numbers are shown on site homepage.
These are just a few factors which lets our customers know that we are trustworthy. Now come the questions, why do we not provide online payment processing??
Fact is we just cannot right now. Did you know that it takes a lot of documentation and strict checkup before any of the payment processing providers will allow a starting business to start accepting payments online? Well that is where we are right now. On top of that, we need to acheive a certain level of annual profit before we are allowed even if we do pass all the documentations. OURBIX has gone through all the paperwork and we are ready on that level but we still need to acheive that certain annual profit before we can provide online payment services to our customers. Until we can, it is left to our customers discretion to not buy from us or to buy as well. If our customers do decide to buy from us as many are now starting to do, we have a few ways to complete payment offline right now:
- direct bank account transfer
- by cheque
- moneygram
- pay hand to hand for product delivery (In state business is located only)
Optionally, u can pay online through
OURBIX personal paypal account (
There can be many ways to pay offline and you just have to make sure that it is safe to pay before that one step but we are adamant to prove and win loyal customers by keeping the trust that our customers give us. We will be providing detailed information about what we do all around the process of payment processing and completion and even after that until our customer receives what he wants.
The easiest way is to check other websites which are operating like this without online payment and comparing their documentation and our services as well. We believe we are never at the bottom but right at the top. So enjoy your shopping through OURBIX with offline payments until we can acheive that profit mark. :-)
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